Re: [Jack-Devel] jack-trauma for audio over IP

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DateFri, 28 Feb 2014 14:12:00 +0100
From Adrian Knoth <[hidden] at drcomp dot erfurt dot thur dot de>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-To[hidden] at danieletorelli dot net [Jack-Devel] jack-trauma for audio over IP
Follow-Up[hidden] at danieletorelli dot net Re: [Jack-Devel] jack-trauma for audio over IP
On 02/20/14 17:17, [hidden] wrote:


> I'd like to share with who's interested a small JACK client I wrote
> with my friend and colleague Andrea Lusuardi and called JACK Trauma,
> in order to hear more opinions and possibly improve it.
> It's all here: or also

OK, you've asked for opinions, here my thoughts:

1. It's the (n+1)th implementation. There are plenty of UDP streamers
    around, like jack.udp, gstreamer, jack_stdout+netcat and many more.

2. Your software doesn't care about audio clocks. Unless you make
    sure the clocks stay in sync, you'll overrun/underrun at some point.
    netjack is better in this regard.

3. Your software only supports legacy protocols. We have 2014, AF_INET
    is no longer sufficient.

4. Low code quality. Sorry, but this is "My first C program with network
    I/O"-level. Particularly:

#define SOL_UDPLITE  136
#define IP_DONTFRAG 1

Apparently, you're developing on some outdated machine where none of
these symbols is defined. The correct approach would be

#define SOL_UDPLITE  136

for each of the symbols. Your definition of IP_DONTFRAG is wrong. As
you've just learned, it gives you a conflict on FreeBSD. It accidentally
works on Linux, but the proper way for IPv4 is as follows:

/* IP_MTU_DISCOVER values */
#define IP_PMTUDISC_DONT                0       /* Never send DF frames */
#define IP_PMTUDISC_WANT                1       /* Use per route hints  */
#define IP_PMTUDISC_DO                  2       /* Always DF            */
#define IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE               3       /* Ignore dst pmtu      */
/* Always use interface mtu (ignores dst pmtu) but don't set DF flag.
  * Also incoming ICMP frag_needed notifications will be ignored on
  * this socket to prevent accepting spoofed ones.
#define IP_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE           4

All defined in /usr/include/in.h. For IPv6, things are a bit different,
just read /usr/include/in6.h.

Even your usage function is wrong:

int print_help_and_quit(){
     printf("\nUsage: jacknet2 [OPTIONS]\n\n");

Firstly, your program is called "jack_trauma", not "jacknet2" according
to your Makefile. You normally just reference argv[0] there to make sure
the output is consistent with the actual binary name.

Then, usage information must not go to stdout, but stderr to ease
scripting. That said, the usual approach would be

     fprintf(stderr, "%s foobar\n", argv[0]);

Then, the proper exit code for incorrect invocation must not be zero. So
maybe exit(1).

And finally, exit() does not return, hence print_help_and_quit() doesn't
return, so "int" should be "void".

I saw a couple of memcpy() invocations. Depending on the data size, this
might be the correct approach, however, with bigger arrays, it might
make sense to use IO-vectors (see sendmsg()) instead. You'll have to do
benchmarks to find out.

I didn't bother to read the rest of your code, but from what I've seen
and listed above, it's pretty clear that it's nowhere near a usable
solution, yet. Personally, I don't see any additional benefit over
existing stuff, so I'd rather spend my time on something else, but
that's totally up to you.

For now, let's agree you don't try to sell it to everybody who comes
along and asks for network audio, OK?

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