Re: [Jack-Devel] intel_pstate vs. jack?

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DateFri, 28 Feb 2014 11:55:01 +0100
From Christian Schoenebeck <[hidden] at crudebyte dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToFernando Lopez-Lezcano [Jack-Devel] intel_pstate vs. jack?
Follow-UpJeremy Jongepier Re: [Jack-Devel] intel_pstate vs. jack?
On Friday 28 February 2014 01:47:02 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> To make the story short, I used to change the cpu frequency governor to
> "performance" and set the frequencies to the maximum to get the best out
> of jack. I have read many of you have no problems using jack with
> frequency scaling active, but that has not been my experience. But I was
> surprised to find the frequencies fluctuating even after telling my
> computer to not change them... sigh...

CPU scaling very often leads to xruns. However I wondered, has somebody 
investigated this issue in depth already?

I mean, it seems as if Macbooks are also using CPU scaling, still providing 
very solid low latency stability with its XNU kernel. So I wonder if CPU 
scaling is not appropriately handled (regarding the aspect of low latency) in 
the Linux kernel. Any thoughts?

Best regards,
Christian Schoenebeck
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