Re: [Jack-Devel] jack-trauma for audio over IP

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DateFri, 28 Feb 2014 16:36:17 +0100
From [hidden] at danieletorelli dot net <[hidden] at danieletorelli dot net
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToAdrian Knoth Re: [Jack-Devel] jack-trauma for audio over IP
Follow-Up[hidden] at danieletorelli dot net Re: [Jack-Devel] jack-trauma for audio over IP
Dear Adrian,

thanks for your notes, in fact when I said "any feedback is welcome" I
meant it and some of your comments may be very useful in making it 

> 1. It's the (n+1)th implementation. There are plenty of UDP streamers
>    around, like jack.udp, gstreamer, jack_stdout+netcat and many more.

I know, the idea was something similar to jacktrip but able to send 
channels to different IP's possibly changing in realtime (why? long 
I know this feature is not still there but it can be added easily (in 
fact we
have some even dirtier code that does it, but let's clean this up before

> 2. Your software doesn't care about audio clocks. Unless you make
>    sure the clocks stay in sync, you'll overrun/underrun at some point.
>    netjack is better in this regard.

I know, but (correct me if I'm wrong) netjack requires having JACK 
with network backend in the slave machine. Said this, it's true it's 
to overrun/underrun sooner or later, for now we simply accepted this. I
think it also depends on the purpose, I for one wouldn't want this for
recording for example.

> 3. Your software only supports legacy protocols. We have 2014, AF_INET
>    is no longer sufficient.
> 4. Low code quality. Sorry, but this is "My first C program with 
> network
>    I/O"-level. Particularly: [...]

Ok, we are definitely going to fix the network part, also following the
feedback from Outro Pessoa.

> Firstly, your program is called "jack_trauma", not "jacknet2" according
> to your Makefile. You normally just reference argv[0] there to make 
> sure
> the output is consistent with the actual binary name. [...]

...totally true and ugly... this was like a leftover from the very first
draft and needs to be changed, thanks for reporting this!

> I saw a couple of memcpy() invocations. Depending on the data size, 
> this
> might be the correct approach, however, with bigger arrays, it might
> make sense to use IO-vectors (see sendmsg()) instead. You'll have to do
> benchmarks to find out.

thanks for the hint!

> I didn't bother to read the rest of your code, but from what I've seen
> and listed above, it's pretty clear that it's nowhere near a usable
> solution, yet. Personally, I don't see any additional benefit over
> existing stuff, so I'd rather spend my time on something else, but
> that's totally up to you.
> For now, let's agree you don't try to sell it to everybody who comes
> along and asks for network audio, OK?

well, we'll just try to improve it! In the best case scenario I think it
can be a nice toy or maybe a starting point for something else, so
probably not life changing but (in my totally personal and biased 
let's say I find it "enjoyable" when actually using it.
Now we'll focus on the problems, because it has been pointed out it
doesn't work on certain platforms and because of your comments, 
the network part definitely needs some adjustment.

Again, feedback is always welcome!

Daniele Torelli
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