Re: [Jack-Devel] Linux Distro with Least problems with Jack

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DateFri, 30 Nov 2018 11:32:52 +0100
From David Kastrup <[hidden] at gnu dot org>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToRobin Gareus Re: [Jack-Devel] Linux Distro with Least problems with Jack
Robin Gareus <[hidden]> writes:

> On 11/30/2018 05:34 AM, [hidden] wrote:
>> I am ditching my windows audio production workstation and need to get
>> the Linux software under my belt. Cant work with the crashorama and
>> closed nature of windows anymore. It bytes always in the end.
> Welcome aboard!
>> I therefore have to master Jack asap as it is crucial to the software I
>> will use (Mixbus by Harrison).
> Mixbus runs just fine without JACK. You only need jackd if you want to
> route audio/midi between applications (think rewire), or if you have a
> firewire/1394 soundcard.

It's worth pointing out that the threshold to "between applications" is
not actually all that high.  An application can be something as simple
as a desktop recorder for recording an audio processing

> In general we recommend to just use Mixbus/ALSA, that's a lot easier
> to get started with and switch to jack only if you want to or need to.

Ardour can start jackd on its own in which case it's just the matter of
making a different selection in its audio startup dialog.  So getting
started, assuming a working installation, should not be significantly
more difficult.  And "assuming a working installation" is one of the
major points of

>> 1) Please suggest a Linux distro that you have found works best with the
>> current newest Jack release

or other typical free software rather than running the same, assuming
their respective availability, under Windows.

David Kastrup
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