Re: [Jack-Devel] Linux Distro with Least problems with Jack

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DateFri, 30 Nov 2018 08:04:27 +0100
From Holger Marzen <[hidden] at marzen dot de>
To[hidden] at grossmann-venter dot com
Cc[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-To[hidden] at grossmann-venter dot com [Jack-Devel] Linux Distro with Least problems with Jack
On Thu, 29 Nov 2018, [hidden] wrote:

> 2) Please give me the best known in-depth tutorial on Jack that will get me up
> and running.

is not bad.

> 3) Please suggest the best to your experience  visual connection interface
> application that works with jack, e.g. qjackctl etc etc.

Don't miss the non-visual connection interface "jack-plumbing". It has
to run permanently and connects/disconnects based on rules like:

(connect    "PortAudio:out_.*[13579]" "jack_mixer:JACK R") 
(connect    "PortAudio:out_.*[02468]" "jack_mixer:JACK L") 
(disconnect "PortAudio:out_.*" "jack_mixer:JACK .*")
(disconnect "PortAudio:out_.*" "system:playback_.*")

That's handy for clients whose ports only show up when playing, like
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