[Jack-Devel] JackRouter & ProTools 11

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DateTue, 25 Nov 2014 20:52:39 +0000
From Nicola Di Vito <[hidden] at yahoo dot it>
To"[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org" <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
I am certainly anunskilled user and so, please, be patient with me; I am searching touse JackRouter in ProTools 11. For instance: I have an Arpeggiatorbuilt with Max 7; using the ad_asio driver should be possiblefor Maxto comunicate with ProTools, in which I choose as Playback EngineJackRouter but unluckily no “JackRouter” chance appear betweenthe I/O gates of ProTools. Could you help me?Thanks niky
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