[Jack-Devel] a command line midi controller mixer for jack?

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DateSat, 25 Oct 2014 18:35:40 +0300
From Athanasios Silis <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
ToDevelopers JACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Follow-UpRobin Gareus Re: [Jack-Devel] a command line midi controller mixer for jack?
Follow-UpRaphaël Mouneyres Re: [Jack-Devel] a command line midi controller mixer for jack?
hello everyone,
I am setting up a headless master audio workstation.
what I want is upon boot to start the jack server (and netmanger) , some
applications and do a few connections between them.
now the connections are easy to do with jack_connect , but I would like to
insert a mixer in the middle of all these connections and control sound
levels and routing from a midi controller, in fact the controller will be

It is possible to use jack_mixer as a mixer but it does not offer command
line operation and I would have to have a vnc server running in order to
fire it up. Is there another application suited for this specific situation?

thank you for your help
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