[Jack-Devel] starting jack from within a bash script

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DateSat, 25 Oct 2014 17:30:00 +0300
From Athanasios Silis <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
ToDevelopers JACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Follow-UpAthanasios Silis Re: [Jack-Devel] starting jack from within a bash script
hi all,
I want to start jack from a bash script and I am not sure how can I wait to
make sure that jack has started to do all the next operations.
right now and on any jack related script I came across on the internet, I
see "sleep" statements after execution of jackd. so smth like

/usr/bin/jackd ... &
sleep 3
#init other apps and do connections

This is quick and easy but not a "safe" way to start everything else after
jack for obvious reasons.
Is there a way to wait for jack to start and then continue with the
execution of the script?

thank you
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