Re: [Jack-Devel] Using Jack

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DateThu, 20 Mar 2014 07:48:41 +0000
From John Emmas <[hidden] at tiscali dot co dot uk>
Cc'JACK' <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToYves Perron Re: [Jack-Devel] Using Jack
Follow-UpYves Perron Re: [Jack-Devel] Using Jack
On 19/03/2014 22:42, Yves Perron wrote:
> A far as I can tell, Jack supports client/server network architecture 
> and can process in and out midi/audio data. It seemed like a match to 
> me. What do you think?
Hi Yves,

It might well be possible for you to use Jack - but there's nothing in 
your emails to support the notion that your app needed to be a Jack 
server.  If it used Jack at all, it could simply be a Jack client.  IIRC 
your argument for making it a Jack server was that you didn't want your 
customers to have to install Jack.  In that case, do what we do...  our 
Mixbus installer installs a "minimal" version of Jack - essentially just 
the server, without QJackCtl and all the other non-essential stuff.  But 
your proposal (cobbling together a proprietary server that would 
effectively break other Jack apps) is really NOT acceptable and I doubt 
if anyone will support you with that.  Mixbus is a hugely complex 
project and yet we can manage just fine as a Jack client.

> Any other option comes to mind?
I don't have any actual experience with it but I've heard of something 
called portmidi:-

You'd need to contact the developers to find out if it's still an active 
project.  Two other products (which don't support midi AFAIK but might 
be able to help) are portaudio:-

and libsndfile:-

Like I said, I don't think either of them supports midi directly but 
they've probably been asked about it many times - so there's a good 
chance they'll be able to suggest something suitable.  Good luck.

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