Re: [Jack-Devel] latency: reducing buffer allocation

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DateWed, 19 Mar 2014 10:07:28 +0100
From Leonardo Gabrielli <[hidden] at univpm dot it>
ToClemens Ladisch <[hidden] at ladisch dot de>, [hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToClemens Ladisch Re: [Jack-Devel] latency: reducing buffer allocation
On 19/03/2014 09:37, Clemens Ladisch wrote:
>> Can I get around it?
> Around what?  The hardware limits?  The fact that the latency does*not*
> increase?

I'm wondering why the hardware would require a buffer of 128frames for 
capture and 1024 for playback. If it is something related to the SW and 
can be tweaked I would gain a lot on latency. If it is *strictly* 
HW-related and cannot be overcome in any way I'll live with that or 
change platform.

>> >Also: what do you mean exactly by the latency does not increase? It
>> >seems to me that it stays the same
> How did you measure it?
I had a mic and would listen to the sound looped back between jack 
capture and playback.
Well, ear can discriminate very well between 25ms latency and ... 25ms 
latency! If it would halve as I expected it to I could tell by ear. Of 
course, I can prove it by recording the mic'ed input and the delayed output.


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