Re: [Jack-Devel] latency: reducing buffer allocation

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DateWed, 19 Mar 2014 09:37:58 +0100
From Clemens Ladisch <[hidden] at ladisch dot de>
ToLeonardo Gabrielli <[hidden] at univpm dot it>, [hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToLeonardo Gabrielli [Jack-Devel] latency: reducing buffer allocation
Follow-UpLeonardo Gabrielli Re: [Jack-Devel] latency: reducing buffer allocation
Leonardo Gabrielli wrote:
> if I try getting below 512frames per period (256, 128 or even 64),
> jackd1 will automatically allocate 2 periods for capture and 3, 5 or
> 10 for playback
> "For  most ALSA devices, the hardware buffer has exactly --period
>  times --nperiods frames.  Some devices demand a larger  buffer.
>  If  so, JACK will use the smallest possible buffer containing at
>  least --nperiods, but the playback latency does not increase."
> Can I get around it?

Around what?  The hardware limits?  The fact that the latency does *not*

> Also: what do you mean exactly by the latency does not increase? It
> seems to me that it stays the same

How did you measure it?

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