[Jack-Devel] high-latency netjack

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DateMon, 27 Jan 2014 20:23:42 -0800
From Grant <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
ToJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Follow-UpGrant Re: [Jack-Devel] high-latency netjack
I'm having some kind of USB buffer issues on my Pandaboard ARM device
which are causing audible gaps in playback over netjack.  The
Pandaboard's ethernet port operates over USB.  I don't need
low-latency, I just need to stream audio via netjack without audible
gaps.  What should I try?

This is the error I'm seeing in dmesg:

ehci-omap.0: detected DataBufferErr

I think this could be fixed by upgrading kernels but I have to stay on
3.4 for the binary video drivers that are available.

- Grant
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