[Jack-Devel] Fw: Re: libopus: or compile w/o netjack2?

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DateMon, 27 Jan 2014 19:11:50 -0600
From [hidden] at mindspring dot com <[hidden] at mindspring dot com
ToJack-Devel <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
-----Original Message-----
>From: Adrian Knoth 

Thanks for replying.

>> I'm a newbie, and trying to compile jack- 

Umm.. because the packager offers no fewer than four variations on jack,
none of which 'work as released' .... and ALL? of which are built on 
jackdmp/dbus <'jackd' below is a virtual package>, inferring "its required". 
this particular implementation uses dbus rather broadly for sound control of 
ALL of its pulse/alsa resources... and a gazillion other things. So, I'm guessing
that ubuntu ONLY packaged dbus because that would 'at least' work with the
release sound package:

   franklynb@waterboy:~/Downloads$ apt-cache search jackd

   libjack-jackd2-0 - JACK Audio Connection Kit (libraries)
   libjack-jackd2-dev - JACK Audio Connection Kit (development files)
   jackd - JACK Audio Connection Kit (default server package)
   jackd1 - JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients)
   jackd1-firewire - JACK Audio Connection Kit (FFADO backend)
   jackd2 - JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients)
   jackd2-firewire - JACK Audio Connection Kit (FFADO and FreeBoB backends) 
..  and because there is no documentation I can find  
that tells me what the difference is between the various 'packages' of jackd-n. 
And because apt use/overwrite an obsolete libffado {<2.1} and I need present day version.

>Just remove libopus-dev, and waf won't pick it up.

I don't HAVE libopus-dev installed. Why do you assume it is?

   franklynb@waterboy:~/Downloads$ ls /usr/lib/libopus*
   ls: cannot access /usr/lib/libopus*: No such file or directory
   franklynb@waterboy:~/Downloads$ ls /usr/local/lib/libopus*
   /usr/local/lib/libopus.a   /usr/local/lib/libopus.so.0
   /usr/local/lib/libopus.la  /usr/local/lib/libopus.so.0.5.0
   franklynb@waterboy:~/Downloads$ ls /lib/libopus*
   ls: cannot access /lib/libopus*: No such file or directory

>I wonder why it pretends to have OPUS, since the waf script checks for
>custom headers.

I assume, by the comment above, you mean this excerpt:
   wscript:    if conf.check_cfg(package='opus', atleast_version='0.9.0' , args='--cflags --libs', mandatory=False):
   wscript:        if conf.check_cc(header_name='opus/opus_custom.h', mandatory=False):

There IS no libopus* package on 12.04-powerpc.

   franklynb@waterboy:/usr/local/src/jack/jack-$ apt-cache search libopus

>> $ ./waf build --dbus --firewire --alsa --debug \
>>   --enable-pkg-config-dbus-service-dir --libdir=/usr/local/lib 
>Note that this will most likely give you conflicting installations of
>libjack, since you probably already have some jackd installation in
>/usr/lib/ (shipped by ubuntu).

Note that I've removed the 'conflicting' libraries already:

    franklynb@waterboy:/usr/local/src/jack/jack-$ ls /usr/lib/libjack*
    ls: cannot access /usr/lib/libjack*: No such file or directory

>If you just want "newer", then you could simply go for the Debian

And why would that be "better"? 

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