[Jack-Devel] Flash Support

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DateMon, 04 Nov 2013 19:26:39 -0500
From Paul Vint <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] Flash Support
Follow-UpUwe Koloska Re: [Jack-Devel] Flash Support

I've found myself using JACK pretty much constantly of late, and got
annoyed by the "Playing Flash Videos" problem, and the libflashsupport-jack
project seems abandoned, so I thought I'd revive it.

It's a bit of a quick hack right now, but I have it working with modern
(>=3.8) kernels, and created a repo on github.

See http://github.com/pvint/libflashsupport-jack2

I'll do some more work on it - like fixing the install so it works with 64
bit for example...

I'll set up a little homepage for this soon, but for now I just made a
quick blog post about it at
http://dotslash.ca/support-for-jack-audio-in-adobe-flash/ which is pretty
much stealing the instructions on http://jackaudio.org/routing_flashverbatim.

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