[Jack-Devel] Jacktrip performance and reliability? (St?phane Letz)

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DateMon, 04 Nov 2013 22:00:46 +0000
From Robin Renwick <[hidden] at qub dot ac dot uk>
To"[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org" <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Follow-UpStéphane Letz Re: [Jack-Devel] Jacktrip performance and reliability? (St?phane Letz)
>Anyone here to comment on Jacktrip performance and reliability on internet, especially running on OSX?
>(https://ccrma.stanford.edu/groups/soundwire/software/jacktrip/  and http://code.google.com/p/jacktrip/)


We at www.sarc.qub.ac.uk, along with a host of other universities have been using JackTrip for a number of years now as our default udp audio transfer software tool with respect to Network Music Performance Research. 

I can safely vouch that it has been extremely reliable and robust. 

We have been involved in a many number of multi-site performances which have utilised the system on both OSX and Linux and have never ran into software issues concerned directly with JackTrip. 

There have been instances where we have run three sites or more - implementing a 15 plus discrete channel system at 44.1, 16bit. 

We have however run into issues of compatibility with respect to JackPilot/QJackCntrl and iterations of Mac OSX. These issues are slowly being ironed out, though they seem to be lagging behind the pace of OSX development. 

The most stable system i have personally used is OSX 10.6.8 coupled with the latest JackTrip build, along with the latest JackPilot Iteration (not the 10.7/10.8 Beta)

If you have any other questions regarding this, i can be reached at



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