Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK on mobile

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DateSat, 19 Oct 2013 09:45:58 +0100
From John Emmas <[hidden] at tiscali dot co dot uk>
ToJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToPatrick Shirkey Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK on mobile
Follow-UpPaul Davis Re: [Jack-Devel] JACK on mobile
On 19/10/2013 08:10, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> FYI, I am in contact with the Linux Foundation and *so far* they have been
> supportive of my stated goals. However I am only a cog in the wheel so if
> other people are behind this project I'm sure that will help if we get to
> any kind of negotiations or requests for demo hardware.

Hi Patrick,

It's obvious that you have a strong passion to see pro audio working on 
mobile platforms.  Let's assume that you could find someone to fix the 
technical problems with Jack-on-mobile and let's assume that the Linux 
Foundation (or whoever) would provide some funding.  With all due 
respect you still haven't shown who those "other people" are;  the ones 
who'd step up later to develop applications.  I know from the feedback 
we get about Mixbus that people (generally speaking) don't like using it 
on a tiny screen.  So you're probably envisaging some other kind of 
pro-audio usage.  But what kind?  And who would develop the apps?  And 
why would they need low latency? Consistent latency, yes.  But why low 

Apart from programming for Mixbus, as a "day job" I work in the 
television industry as a sound mixer.  The television industry is 
relatively affluent - yet even the big name broadcasters don't give a 
hoot about latency.  I'm expected to mix world class dramas in a small 
van where there's over one second delay between the sound and the 
picture.  As long as it gets corrected by the time the programme gets 
transmitted nobody seems to be bothered any more.  Accountants rule the 
roost and they rarely (if ever) care about technical problems as long as 
- somewhere in the process - they can get corrected.  I guess if I was 
mixing an orchestra (where latency issues could literally make the job 
impossible) things might be different - but those jobs are few and far 

What kind of pro-audio apps do you envisage running on a mobile 
platform?  Cutdown versions of Ardour and Mixbus?  Or something totally 

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