[Jack-Devel] Building JACK2 on Windows

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DateTue, 23 Jul 2013 18:36:18 -0700
From Sam Hanes <[hidden] at maltera dot com>
ToJACK Developers <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
I'm trying to use netjack2 on 64-bit Windows 8. The version of PortAudio 
included in the installer on the downloads page doesn't support WASAPI 
and, by extension, exclusive mode. It therefore suffers unnecessary 
latency from the Windows Audio Engine. In order to get WASAPI support 
I'm trying to build JACK myself from the '' tag in git.

Unfortunately the documentation of the Windows build process for JACK is 
rather lacking. It boils down to "use Code::Blocks". After considerable 
fiddling I've got the build running in Code::Blocks, but the linkage of 
the results seems to be rather different than what the installer 
contains. It also segfaults when it initializes PortAudio, but that may 
be the fault of my PortAudio build. The toolchain I'm using is 
'tdm64-gcc-4.7.1-3', downloaded here:

Can someone explain how the build process for the official 64-bit 
Windows installers works? There isn't a build script published anywhere 
that I've been able to find.

Also, where do the 'libportaudio_x86_64.a' and 'libsamplerate_x86_64.a' 
files in git come from? Are they from upstream binary releases, or are 
they custom-built somehow?

Sam Hanes
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