[Jack-Devel] Question about Jack-2's synchronization

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DateSun, 21 Jul 2013 21:53:28 -0500
From karthik poduval <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Hi All,

I added a couple of logs to JackFifo class printing the calls made along
with issuing process thread id. Please refer to a log excerpt below,
questions follow:-

   1137 [2]TimedWait for refnum-2 time-2147483647, pid[3453]
   1138 [2]Signal for refnum-2 pid[3444]
   1139 [2]Wait for refnum-2 pid[3453]
   1140 [2]Signal for refnum-0 pid[3453]
   1141 [2]Signal for refnum-1 pid[3453]
   1142 [2]TimedWait for refnum-2 time-2147483647, pid[3453]

1. How come I am not seeing a Wait call made for refnum 0 and 1, although
there is a Signal call being made. Below is how I expected it to work,
please correct my understanding on how the synchronization works.

driver thread (Signal refnum-2, Wait refnum-0)
client thread (Signal refnum-0, Wait refnum-2)
driver thread (Signal refnum-2, Wait refnum-0)
client thread (Signal refnum-0, Wait refnum-2)

where driver thread is at refnum-0 and client thread is at refnum-2. I am
running the client app after starting the server with alsa backend.

2. Why is there a call to Wait (1139) and then another call to
TimedWait(1142) for refnum-2 Wouldn't the call to the first invoked Wait
put the thread(3453) to sleep ?

Thanks in Advance.

Karthik Poduval

P.S. To give a bigger picture I am trying to add the audio processing
threads of JACK under the control of a custom scheduler built using the
(HGS) hierarchical group scheduling framework developed by University of
Kansas (http://www.ittc.ku.edu/kusp/).
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