Re: [Jack-Devel] Questions on tuning netjack performance

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DateSun, 07 Jul 2013 08:52:20 +0200
From Stéphane Letz <[hidden] at grame dot fr>
ToDan Swain <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
Ccjack-devel <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToDan Swain [Jack-Devel] Questions on tuning netjack performance
Follow-UpDan Swain Re: [Jack-Devel] Questions on tuning netjack performance
Le 7 juil. 2013 à 08:00, Dan Swain <[hidden]> a écrit :

> Dear all,
> I've been searching for ways to improve the 'latency' of netjack. Thanks to quite a few threads and online documents, I finally managed to get -l 1 working with the netjack driver (I didn't realise the order of switches were as significant as they are).
> The lowest latency I've managed to find is with this -l 1 switch, and also without -S, although since my discovery I've not tried sync. Would this make a difference?

-S (synchronous) on the slave allows the salve to better handle network timing jitter, so I would recommend -S on slave side.

> I did try -l 0, but it made my slave machine eventually fall behind in an expected way (I tried to break it, and it did :-) ).
> I've not been able to find success in the -p switch, so I began to wonder if this was driver specific (i.e. portaudio), or if again the ordering of the switches is important. If so, where should it be placed?

jackd -d net -h gives: 

jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
	-a, --multicast-ip 	Multicast address, or explicit IP of the master (default:
	-p, --udp-net-port 	UDP port (default: 19000)
	-M, --mtu 	MTU to the master (default: 1500)
	-C, --input-ports 	Number of audio input ports. If -1, audio physical input from the master (default: -1)
	-P, --output-ports 	Number of audio output ports. If -1, audio physical output from the master (default: -1)
	-i, --midi-in-ports 	Number of MIDI input ports. If -1, MIDI physical input from the master (default: -1)
	-o, --midi-out-ports 	Number of MIDI output ports. If -1, MIDI physical output from the master (default: -1)
	-c, --celt 	Set CELT encoding and number of kBits per channel (default: -1)
	-n, --client-name 	Name of the jack client (default: 'hostname')
	-s, --auto-save 	Save/restore connection state when restarting (default: false)
	-l, --latency 	Network latency (default: 5)

==> -p is for "UDP port"

> So far, my command line looks like this (the slave is on a Windows machine):
> jackd -R -d net -l 1 -i 1 -C 0 -P 8 -n VST
> I hope that provides enough information to work from, but please let me know if you have further questions!
> Thanks in advance!
> Dan

I would suggest to add -S.

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