[Jack-Devel] Questions on tuning netjack performance

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DateSun, 07 Jul 2013 00:00:53 -0600
From Dan Swain <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
Tojack-devel <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
Follow-UpStéphane Letz Re: [Jack-Devel] Questions on tuning netjack performance
Dear all,

I've been searching for ways to improve the 'latency' of netjack. Thanks to
quite a few threads and online documents, I finally managed to get -l 1
working with the netjack driver (I didn't realise the order of switches
were as significant as they are).

The lowest latency I've managed to find is with this -l 1 switch, and also
without -S, although since my discovery I've not tried sync. Would this
make a difference?

I did try -l 0, but it made my slave machine eventually fall behind in an
expected way (I tried to break it, and it did :-) ).

I've not been able to find success in the -p switch, so I began to wonder
if this was driver specific (i.e. portaudio), or if again the ordering of
the switches is important. If so, where should it be placed?

So far, my command line looks like this (the slave is on a Windows machine):

jackd -R -d net -l 1 -i 1 -C 0 -P 8 -n VST

I hope that provides enough information to work from, but please let me
know if you have further questions!

Thanks in advance!

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