Re: [Jack-Devel] Phishing/blackmail spam

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DateThu, 10 Jan 2019 15:14:28 +0100
From Malik Costet <[hidden] at malikc dot neomailbox dot net>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToJohn Rigg [Jack-Devel] Phishing/blackmail spam
On 2019-01-10 09:51, John Rigg wrote:
> Is anyone else receiving phishing/blackmail spam sent to
> the email address (unique in my case) they use for
> jack-devel? It seems that a list member has been
> infected with malware or someone signed up just to get
> access to list members' email addresses.
> The messages typically include the name 'Mario Moles'
> somewhere in the header or message body (location
> varies). I've seen that name before in spam sent to
> my jack-devel email address.
> John

I haven't so far. And I am using a unique address.
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