[Jack-Devel] Multiple latency across jack

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DateThu, 27 Dec 2018 23:05:36 -0500
From [hidden] at grossmann-venter dot com <[hidden] at grossmann-venter dot com
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpChris Caudle Re: [Jack-Devel] Multiple latency across jack
Is it possible to have different signal sources handled differently by 
jack ?

As an example, Mixbus uses jack directly  and runs at 44100 buffer 128/2

I have other applications running under emulator that needs deeper 
buffers and longer latency is not an issue.
These other applications all use pulseaudio and I dont know if 
pulseaudio causes the overruns and resultant rickety sound.

I am really not familiar how pulseaudio works with jack. At the moment 
both pulseaudio and mixbus/jack outputs
sound simultaneously  to the same output device without problem

At the moment I cannot find a way to increase the latency for all other 
sources than Mixbus. The other sources needs larger buffers not to work 
intermittently as it is now seemingly forced to use the same buffer size 
as mixbus which works flawless at 128.

How should I go about it to run different sources at different buffer 
settings ?
This is a bit above what I could find online in the Faq.

Or should I find a way to send all these applications directly to jack 
for better buffer handling and somehow cut out pulseaudio ??
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