Re: [Jack-Devel] AVB

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DateSat, 22 Dec 2018 21:40:22 +0100
From Jörn Nettingsmeier <[hidden] at stackingdwarves dot net>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToChristoph Kuhr Re: [Jack-Devel] AVB
Follow-Up[hidden] at grossmann-venter dot com Re: [Jack-Devel] AVB
Follow-Up[hidden] at grossmann-venter dot com Re: [Jack-Devel] AVB
Follow-Up[hidden] at grossmann-venter dot com [Jack-Devel] Sudden Pulseaudio Faulure reported due to jack
Follow-UpFernando Lopez-Lezcano Re: [Jack-Devel] AVB
On 12/8/18 2:37 PM, Christoph Kuhr wrote:
> On the next LAC we want to present a IEEE1722 AVTP Mediaclock Backend.

I would say that for now, if you need to speak AVB, the easiest path is 
to get a recent MOTU USB class-compliant device with an AVB port. That 
way, the Linux system only needs to concern itself with the USB audio 
part, and the routing in the MOTU connects you to the AVB world. 
Thankfully, after being quite useless for open-source for many many 
years, they've now made two good decisions:
* USB class compliance, and
* the masterstroke, i.e. implementing the mixer as a web server that can 
be accessed via any browser, thus relieving open-source developers of 
the tedious task of reverse-engineering a mixer that will then only work 
on one particular device.

Christoph, would you agree, or can people who do not frequent the same 
circles of hell as you are so competently doing consider "native" AVB 
yet? I've been lurking, but mostly been very, very afraid :)

Jörn Nettingsmeier
Tuinbouwstraat 180, 1097 ZB Amsterdam, Nederland
Tel. +49 177 7937487

Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio), Tonmeister VDT
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