[Jack-Devel] Can pulseaudio-module-jack "auto-start" jackd1?

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DateWed, 19 Dec 2018 09:30:48 +0000
From Jaime T <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpChris Caudle Re: [Jack-Devel] Can pulseaudio-module-jack "auto-start" jackd1?
Hi all.

I'm running jackd1 (0.125.0) on debian 9 (stretch) and its
"auto-starting" facility works perfectly whenever I use jack-play. I
now want to use pulseaudio-module-jack, but "pactl load-module
module-jack-sink channels=2" fails (the command returns "Failure:
Module initialization failed" and I see "jack_client_open() failed" in
the journal).

Is this a bug, or is it "intended/expected behaviour"? (I don't
understand how jack-play starts jackd1. Is it dbus magic, or something

Many thanks, Jaime
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