Re: [Jack-Devel] Bitrate from Jack or USB driver

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DateFri, 14 Dec 2018 16:29:05 +0100
From Robin Gareus <[hidden] at gareus dot org>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-To[hidden] at grossmann-venter dot com [Jack-Devel] Bitrate from Jack or USB driver
On 12/14/18 8:47 AM, [hidden] wrote:
> I thought it was the last of my questions but I have two more, of this
> is the first mail.
> My presonus 1818vsl seemingly defaults to 44100 Hz never mind if you
> configure it to 96000Hz with the windows mixer.
> It seems as soon as you close down the windows based presonus audiobox
> software it defaults back to 44100Hz and soesnt keep it in memory when
> you use it on Linux.
> Questions:
> 1) I need to confirm the above.

I don't have this issue. The device works fine at 44.1k and 48k. I don't
use it at 96k.

I dimly recall users reporting various issues on Linux after using the
1717VSL on windows once, which resulted in a broken firmware update.
That was 2013-ish though. IIRC the solution was flashing the firmware.
That was reported on LAU or LAD.

If you still have access to a windows box, update the firmware as
described at

> Is there any way jack can report the bitrate of the data it receives
> from usb driver

Probably not. Jack facilitates inter-application communication in
userspace. Hardware I/O on Linux happens at lower level.

you can try which probes

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