[Jack-Devel] LAC2018 schedule and registration online!

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DateWed, 16 May 2018 21:28:29 +0200
From Linux Audio Conference <[hidden] at linuxaudio dot org>
To[hidden] at lists dot tu-berlin dot de, [hidden] at alsa-project dot org, [hidden] at lists dot archlinux dot org, [hidden] at lists dot ardour dot org, [hidden] at LISTS dot MCGILL dot CA, [hidden] at listes dot ircam dot fr, [hidden] at linuxaudio dot berlin, [hidden] at lists dot freedesktop dot org, [hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org, [hidden] at gnu dot org, [hidden] at nongnu dot org, [hidden] at lists dot linuxaudio dot org, [hidden] at lists dot linuxaudio dot org, [hidden] at lists dot lv2plug dot in, [hidden] at listes dot ircam dot fr, [hidden] at listes dot ircam dot fr, [hidden] at nime dot org, [hidden] at listes dot ircam dot fr, [hidden] at lists dot iem dot at, [hidden] at lists dot bham dot ac dot uk, [hidden] at JISCMAIL dot AC dot UK
Dear all,

we're happy to announce (and you might have noticed already),
that the schedule for Linux Audio Conference 2018 is live!

Please note, that it will still be subject to slight changes!

We have prepared a registration form for attendees:
Please sign up at your earliest convenience to let us know,
if you're part of the conference.

Also, we'd like to draw special attention to this year's keynote,
which will be held by Gianfranco Ceccolini of MOD Devices:

Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin,

Linux Audio Conference team
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