[Jack-Devel] Fwd: Issues with jack

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DateWed, 25 Apr 2018 18:47:22 +0530
From Shashank Sheela <[hidden] at zemosolabs dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org

We have created a jack client which is similar to the simple client from
your examples.
There is some audio from the client is being sent.
The issue is  jack_ringbuffer_write function returns 0 but the ring
buffer(all input parameters) which are sent are not 0.
Note:-Client is Asterisk(using attached app_jack.c).
Kindly help.

Also Kindly tell us how to run jack in debug mode.

Thanks & Regards

* Attachment: 'app_jack.c'
content-type: text/x-csrc
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