[Jack-Devel] Fwd: connecting to JACKD2 with low buffer sizes

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DateSun, 25 Mar 2018 11:32:03 +0100
From Christopher Obbard <[hidden] at 64studio dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpRobert Bielik Re: [Jack-Devel] Fwd: connecting to JACKD2 with low buffer sizes
Follow-UpChris Caudle Re: [Jack-Devel] Fwd: connecting to JACKD2 with low buffer sizes
Hi Guys,

Running jack with a small buffer (-p64 -n2), and connecting with any
client causes issues.
With higher buffer sizes, all is OK.

This is on an ARM embedded system, with a single core 1MHz processor.
I've set the cpu governor to performance.

I have a custom compiled 4.14 kernel with omap2plus_defconfig with the
following config settings:
> HZ_100=y

$ jackd -R -P95 -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p64 -n2
> JackPosixProcessSync::LockedTimedWait error usec = 5000000 err = Connection timed out
> Driver is not running
> Cannot create new client
> CheckSize error size = 32 Size() = 12
> CheckRead error
> CheckSize error size = -1 Size() = 4
> CheckRead error
> CheckSize error size = 0 Size() = 12
> CheckRead error

Also, with higher buffer sizes sometimes I get xruns. After enabling
alsa debugging, the error is:
> ALSA: PCM: [Q] Lost interrupts?: (stream=0, delta=221, new_hw_ptr=181343, old_hw_ptr=181122)

Loosing the FIFO interrupts doesn't seem like a great thing.........

I _think_ the issue is to do with the kernel scheduling, but this why
I ask the experts :-).
Can anyone suggest any kernel settings that will improve my situation?

Many thanks,

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