Re: [Jack-Devel] The playback device hw:0 is already in use

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DateThu, 01 Mar 2018 13:54:25 +0100
From Bengt Gördén <[hidden] at bag dot org>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToTim Janes Re: [Jack-Devel] The playback device hw:0 is already in use
Den 2018-02-28 kl. 23:10, skrev Tim Janes:
> I am struggling as I have yet to locate any documentation - Can anyone
> give me a link?

This sounds very much like an old ubuntu/pulseaudio-bug. Is it a fresh
17.10 or upgraded? It actually sounds more like an ubuntu problem than a
jack problem.

I run ubuntustudio 17.10 and it doesn't have this kind of problem. You
might want to check it out.

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