[Jack-Devel] MacOS support

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DateThu, 01 Feb 2018 14:59:50 +0100
From Stefan Hellkvist <[hidden] at stagecast dot se>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpMichael Re: [Jack-Devel] MacOS support
Follow-UpMichael Re: [Jack-Devel] MacOS support
Follow-UpJosh de Kock Re: [Jack-Devel] MacOS support
Hi list,

(Sorry this question has already been discussed but the search function in the archive of the list does not work)

Is anyone working on the problem of getting Jack up and running on MacOS again? I installed Jack with brew but I get these “could not handle external client request” errors which seems to be old problems from looking at search results and GitHub discussions - problems introduced when MacOS audio architecture was changed a while back. Is there any progress on these matters? Is someone working on it? I need Jack as it is a dependency to another library I would like to use but I realize that I might have to abandon MacOS as a platform in the process. 

Kindest regards,
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