Re: [Jack-Devel] Usage feasibility Q

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DateSat, 27 Jan 2018 19:42:17 +0100
From Filipe Coelho <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToChris Caudle Re: [Jack-Devel] Usage feasibility Q
Follow-UpFons Adriaensen Re: [Jack-Devel] Usage feasibility Q
Follow-UpChris Caudle Re: [Jack-Devel] Usage feasibility Q
On 27.01.2018 16:53, Chris Caudle wrote:
>> 3. JACK "mixer" -> JACK DSP plugin -> JACK out (hw:0,0)
> Rather than a plugin, you will likely find it easier to develop a stand
> along jack application.  The jack design is not really made for having
> plugins in the server.

The JACK internal clients API disagrees with you ;)
Internal clients are faster to run, since they dont require context 
switches between different processes.
They're harder to control externally though.
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