Re: [Jack-Devel] Question regarding the Jack API and compiling Errors

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DateSun, 21 Jan 2018 02:05:26 -0700
From DaemoniumAer <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToHanspeter Portner Re: [Jack-Devel] Question regarding the Jack API and compiling Errors
Follow-UpDaemoniumAer Re: [Jack-Devel] Question regarding the Jack API and compiling Errors
Hanspeter Portner-2 wrote
> You seem to be wanting to write a JACK client, right?
> The "jack/control.h" header is meant for implementing JACK server
> control utilities. Those are specific to the JACK implementation you're
> running on your system and thus differ between JACK1 and JACK2.
> That header is not menat to be included by JACK client applications.
> So, don't include that header and don't use any functions in it for
> writing a JACK client. Include the "jack/jack.h" header instead, that's
> the one with all the API calls for JACK clients.

Actually I am writing a server program which should be able to start and
stop a jack server when needed to save resources. Everything basically
revolves around NetJack2 and connecting different Slaves. I just thought it
would be nice to include the function to start a server if the API supports
it. I guess that was the reason QJackCtl used QProcess and started Jack as a
program in its program instead of trying what I did. So some functions work
with Jack2 in jack/control.h? Which ones? And as I suggested in another
reply, maybe we should mention that in the API somewhere, or maybe I missed
it and you could point me to it?

Hanspeter Portner-2 wrote
> Best start off with the simple_client [1] to get a minmal working example.

I got that working thankfully! I will work around it for now, thank you
anyways! Finally I can stop doubting my skills and start working on that
project of mine...

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