[Jack-Devel] zinaddsubfx, jackd and Linux mint no sound

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DateTue, 03 Oct 2017 12:23:59 -0400
From Joe Frey <[hidden] at radioles dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpChris Caudle Re: [Jack-Devel] zinaddsubfx, jackd and Linux mint no sound
Sorry, due to posting with wrong email, I was told the post wouldn't 
stick. Sorry to double dip.

Hello all, I have installed both versions of zinaddsubfx(jack and ALSA) 
on Mint 18.2 64. I am using qjackctl. I have gotten both amsynth and 
qsynth to work fine. When I start zinaddsubfx(jack) I can make midi 
connections in qjackctl ALSA tab and I see the meters move in 
zinaddsubfx. On the audio tab in qjackctl I do not see zinaddsubfx 
listed and cannot make the audio connections.
If I start zinaddsubfx(ALSA) I see this program on the qjackctl audio 
tab but not on the ALSA tab in qjackctl and cannot make midi connections.
Has anyone gotten it to work? Thanks. JoeF.
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