Re: [Jack-Devel] AES67 / SMPTE ST 2110-30

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DateThu, 28 Sep 2017 11:31:11 +0800
From happy musicmaker <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-Uphappy musicmaker Re: [Jack-Devel] AES67 / SMPTE ST 2110-30
That is such good news.  What(low cost)  hardware would this development be
used on to support the developers with testing/debugging and maybe even
development ?

* MOTU LP32 (Preferred)
* MiniDSP  (I think
MOTU's switch uses midDSP switch hardware)

I hope someday it will be possible to connect 4 or more 8 channel ADAT
modules (32 channels) to a PC under Ubuntu via AVB with low latency. The
only option to get this done under Windows is a Focursrite DANTE based
Rednet 3 right now because Thunderbolt is not really available there as
well. Plan to get Rednet3,  but that does not solve the Linux environment
which I prefer. Would love to be able to use the Rednet 3 under Linux but
since DANTE is proprietary , so unlikely.

My two wishes:
  [a] Multi (16+) channel low latency audio I/O using ADAT audio AD/DA
  [b[ Bitwig  supporting LV2 plugins.

With those two,  the Linux Audio environment would be perfect and the world
a better place.

*(Apology for the re-sends and ignore the previous edits. Web based Gmail
is such a annoyance and un-logically structured)*
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