Re: [Jack-Devel] Jack server keeps playing sound after client disconnetcs

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DateMon, 28 Aug 2017 15:35:49 -0700
From Yuri <[hidden] at rawbw dot com>
ToThomas Brand <[hidden] at trellis dot ch>, Fons Adriaensen <[hidden] at linuxaudio dot org>
Cc[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToThomas Brand Re: [Jack-Devel] Jack server keeps playing sound after client disconnetcs
On 08/28/17 14:32, Thomas Brand wrote:
> If a client would catch Ctrl+C it can fill the buffers zero and this would
> be a non-issue?

No, it will still be an issue in a general case. because one can't 
guarantee behavior of arbitrary clients. One also can't guarantee that 
clients can't crash.

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