[Jack-Devel] Jack: "Too many servers already active"

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DateWed, 23 Aug 2017 02:21:22 +0200
From Malik Costet <[hidden] at malikc dot neomailbox dot net>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpYuri Re: [Jack-Devel] Jack: "Too many servers already active"
Cheers everyone,

As part of my testing of, and indeed as (an intended) part of the
software I'm writing, I'm starting and stopping many jackd instances on
the box in question (a Pi).

Today, to my surprise, I seem to have hit upon some kind of limit, for
attempts to launch a server (via the command-line) fail with the message
"Too many servers already active". I haven't kept count, but I might
have successfully started and stopped a couple dozen instances of JACK
before that happened (only ever one at a time, though).

Now, the point is, there definitely *aren't* any jackd processes running
at the time I'm executing that command. So I'm wondering whether there's
perhaps some environment setting that JACK checks? Or something?

Note that a restart of the system fixes the issue. That wouldn't be an
acceptable long-term solution, however.

For what it's worth, I'm running JACK on a headless environment, and am
setting DISPLAY=:0 to work around the DBUS issues.

Ideas, suggestions, etc. much welcome.

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