Re: [Jack-Devel] Zombified process without any CPU load

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DateFri, 28 Jul 2017 07:43:37 +0200
From Hermann Meyer <[hidden] at web dot de>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToYuri [Jack-Devel] Zombified process without any CPU load
Follow-UpYuri Re: [Jack-Devel] Zombified process without any CPU load
Am 28.07.2017 um 04:58 schrieb Yuri:
> Jack thread only connects with the actual client code through the 
> process() callback.

You need at least connect a shutdown callback

jack_shutdown (void *arg)
     // clean up your client
     exit (1);

     /* tell the JACK server to call `jack_shutdown()' if
        it ever shuts down, either entirely, or if it
        just decides to stop calling us.

jack_on_shutdown (client, jack_shutdown, 0);
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