Re: [Jack-Devel] Jack won't start on boot

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DateThu, 20 Jul 2017 19:16:51 +0800
From sqweek <[hidden] at gmail dot com>
ToYuri <[hidden] at rawbw dot com>
CcJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>
In-Reply-ToYuri Re: [Jack-Devel] Jack won't start on boot
Follow-UpThomas Brand Re: [Jack-Devel] Jack won't start on boot
On 20 July 2017 at 18:35, Yuri <[hidden]> wrote:
> The logic "(that) D-Bus (requires the display) ... seems fair, given that
> d-bus stands for _Desktop Bus_" is actually incorrect. The only connection
> of DBus to X is that DBus for some reason can auto-launch X. Only
> bin/dbus-launch is linked to DBus is the desktop bus in the name
> only. DBus is an IPC mechanism, and essentially has nothing to do with X.
> In fact, removing --with-x in DBus makes it disconnect from X. The fact
> that any DBus-linked program requires X indicates some problem. This should
> never happen.

DBus relies on a known address for the clients to communicate on. If an
address is not specified it will automatically derive a unix socket based
on the DISPLAY environment variable (if set). Presumably setting
DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS explicitly would also suffice as a workaround,
it's just more typing and more arcane.

ie. Jack doesn't require X under any circumstances, but if compiled with
dbus support it _does_ require a valid session bus to connect to and the
simplest way to arrange for that to happen is to set DISPLAY.

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