Re: [Jack-Devel] Jack won't start on boot

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DateSat, 08 Jul 2017 23:48:31 +0200
From IOhannes m zmölnig <[hidden] at iem dot at>
ToJoakim Hernberg <[hidden] at alchemy dot lu>, [hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToJoakim Hernberg Re: [Jack-Devel] Jack won't start on boot
On 07/08/2017 09:57 PM, Joakim Hernberg wrote:
> Jack has to be run as a user daemon, though there a promiscuous mode
> that would allow it to be started by any user (or root) and still be
> available for use by any other user.

but both jack and pd are started from the same script, so they belong to
the same user/session/seat.

what you say is true if you have 2 init-scripts, one for jack the other
for Pd; but this doesn't seem to be the case here.

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