[Jack-Devel] How does --hwmix work?

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DateTue, 02 May 2017 21:59:48 +0200
From David Kastrup <[hidden] at gnu dot org>
To"[hidden] at diego dot dreamhost dot com:David Kastrup" <[hidden] at gnu dot org>

I have an RME Hammerfall DSP, a card that I believe supports --hwmix on
jackd.  How does this work?  Does this require special support by the
application?  If so, which applications exist using it via Jack?

And yes, I've looked through the documentation I could readily find and
I am sure that I am missing something.

By the way: subscribing to this list is ridiculously hard.  It is called
"[hidden]".  Mailing to it gets an autoresponse to
please subscribe before mailing.  There is no info how to do this in the
mail, not even in the headers, and the sender is

Looking at the general list host "http://lists.jackaudio.org" states
that the list overview has been disabled and that one should append the
list name to "the current URL" in order to find the info.  Which does
not work.  It turns out that the "list name" isn't actually "jack-devel"
but rather "jack-devel-jackaudio.org".

Reminds me of the Usenet group alt.hack which was moderated without a
moderator.  You were eligible for posting there if you figured out how
to do it.

David Kastrup
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