[Jack-Devel] jackaudio.org FAQ entry on multiple cards out of date

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DateThu, 30 Mar 2017 09:44:41 -0500
From Chris Caudle <[hidden] at chriscaudle dot org>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpMarkus Seeber Re: [Jack-Devel] jackaudio.org FAQ entry on multiple cards out of date
Someone on linux audio users list asked about using multiple cards, when
checking references I  noticed that the FAQ entry "how do I use multiple
soundcards with jack?" was out of date, no mention that jack1 includes the
zita functionality now, no mention of how to load zita_a2j and zita_j2a
with jack2.

Are new jack maintainers maintaining web page now also?  Seems like the
web pages are on github, do I need to setup a github account and learn to
submit a pull request for things like updating FAQ entries? Is that the
process now?

Chris Caudle
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