[Jack-Devel] Windows executables are missing from jackaudio.org?

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DateSun, 19 Mar 2017 19:07:26 -0400
From Juliana Cherston <[hidden] at mit dot edu>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpBilly Youdelman Re: [Jack-Devel] Windows executables are missing from jackaudio.org?
Follow-UpNeil C Smith Re: [Jack-Devel] Windows executables are missing from jackaudio.org?

I am trying to port a project from Mac to Windows, but when I try to
download the executables from jackaudio.org I am given a 'file not found'
error from Dropbox.

Is there any place that the 32 bit .exe. file is still accessible, and is
it possible for it to live in a more stable place for future users?

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