[Jack-Devel] Selecting Firewire Interface with -d

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DateMon, 23 Jan 2017 23:21:16 +0100
From Thomas Brand <[hidden] at trellis dot ch>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpAdrian Knoth Re: [Jack-Devel] Selecting Firewire Interface with -d
after some research and help from the ffado list i think that the JACK 2's
firewire backend implementation does not honor the -d command line flag to
set a specific interface.
The effect is that when multiple devices are present, no matter what -d is
set to, all devices are aggregated. In most cases this fine and wanted.
However there is no warning or error message for bogus -dhw arguments and
it's not possible to start one specific interface only without
With the following diff (just 3 lines from JACK 1 codebase) it works as
expected, even using guid:xxx (which is a very nice feature).
Please review and consider merge.

* Attachment: 'JackFFADODriver.cpp.diff'
content-type: text/x-patch
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