[Jack-Devel] jack midi event reserve vs. write

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DateTue, 20 Dec 2016 21:39:02 +1030
From ROBERT WOLF <[hidden] at hercsmusicsystems dot com dot au>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpHanspeter Portner Re: [Jack-Devel] jack midi event reserve vs. write
Follow-UpHarry van Haaren Re: [Jack-Devel] jack midi event reserve vs. write
Dear All,

What exactly is the difference between *jack_midi_event_reserve* and 
*jack_midi_event_write* ?
In particular, if I call *jack_midi_event_write*, does it actually copy 
the data from the buffer, which I provide?
Or does it use that same buffer.

Another question is how can I send midi events generated from GUI, 
(which does not run in the audio callback)?
My guess is to cache them somewhere and transmit them inside the callback?
Am I guessing correctly?


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