Re: [Jack-Devel] jackdbus process eats two CPU cores for hours on end

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DateSun, 04 Dec 2016 11:16:19 +0100
From Markus Seeber <[hidden] at spectralbird dot de>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-ToThomas Howe [Jack-Devel] jackdbus process eats two CPU cores for hours on end
On 12/04/2016 05:26 AM, Thomas Howe wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having a problem with the jackdbus process; after some hours it starts
> maxing out two of my four CPU cores, which in turn causes xruns when
> running apps. It looks like other people have found the same problem, but
> no solutions.
> Here's a video of this happening:
> I cut the important bits out and sped it up. It shows me starting jack via
> QJackCtl with a monitor of the log file and QJackCtl's messages in the
> first section, the processor spike in the second, an xrun in the third, and
> the processors returning to normal in the fourth. There's a clock at the
> bottom left corner of the screen.
> I'm running Arch with the Linux 4-8-4.1-ARCH (x86_64) kernel. Let me know
> what other information would be useful! I can't figure out how to even
> start debugging this.
> Thanks for watching,
> Tom

Did this happen once, or does that happen always after the same amount
of time?
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