Re: [Jack-Devel] 64 Channel Madi (hdspe)

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DateWed, 28 Sep 2016 18:31:52 +0200
From Markus Seeber <[hidden] at spectralbird dot de>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-To[hidden] at ams-neve dot com [Jack-Devel] 64 Channel Madi (hdspe)
On 09/28/2016 02:37 PM, [hidden] wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have 2 PCs, both with a 64 channel madi card.  Machine 'A' is
> runing Win7, and the RME TotalMix is running showing what is on each
> channel.  I am also running Reaper, which has a plugin generating
> tone on the 1st 8 channels which is visible on the TotalMix.
> Machine 'B' is a dual boot Win7/Ubuntu 16.04, and when booted into
> Win7, the tone coming in on the madi stream channels 1-8 is clearly
> present and audable.  When I boot into Ubuntu, I run QjackCtl and
> start Jack.  I then start a simple program I have written from a
> tutorial I found that copies from the inputs to the outputs.
>  Unfortunately, nothing is received on the inputs.  On the outputs
> however if I fill the output Buffer with random numbers, the resulting
> noise appears on machine 'A', so not everything is a total disaster.
> I have checked alsamixer for muting on the inputs and am now at a loss
> for possible causes. (I am summing the abs value of each frame in
> input and periodically printf the total, which is always zero.
I am not completely sure, but kind of remember an option in alsamixer
for switching between MADI optical and BNC/coaxial for the
inputs/outputs, this might also be something you want to check.

Also, please test first with an application known to work, as mentioned
by others, Ardour for example.
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