Re: [Jack-Devel] netJACK2 with two nodes

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DateMon, 15 Aug 2016 20:50:16 +0000
From Fons Adriaensen <[hidden] at linuxaudio dot org>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-Toxan Re: [Jack-Devel] netJACK2 with two nodes
Follow-Upxan Re: [Jack-Devel] netJACK2 with two nodes
On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 08:11:06PM +0200, xan wrote:

> after some weeks of silence, I got back to this issue. I installed zita-njbridge on both my machines, started the JACK server and tried to run the commands.
> 'zita-j2n b`s-ip port' is running on A and 'zita-n2j a`s-ip port' is running on B.
> However, I don`t know the port I`m supposed to use and I couldn` find out.
> The command seems to run on A but fails on B: "Failed to connect to socket. Cannot assign request address."
> I`d appreciate some debugging here.

Read the man page. The IP address for both j2n and n2j is that of
the destination. For the port you can use any value > 1000 that is
not in use, try e.g. 7000.



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