[Jack-Devel] sending jack output to pulse

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DateTue, 26 Jul 2016 10:55:20 +0200
From tom dot r <[hidden] at vfemail dot net>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
Follow-UpKjetil Matheussen Re: [Jack-Devel] sending jack output to pulse
i am working with some virtual systems.
i have a linux machine using pulse to output audio (i can't change this).
i have a windows machine without sound.
i followed this tutorial to stream audio from the windows to the linux 

my problem is:
the linux machine is also virtual and has no alsa device.
all audio is send per pulse to the real audio output (as already 
mentioned, i can't change this).

my question:
how can i configure jack to send its output to pulse? (i know, normally 
people do this the other way around)

i am grateful for any hints.


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