[Jack-Devel] [patch] Fix bug with alsa_in/alsa_out latency

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DateWed, 22 Jun 2016 18:33:37 +0200
From Xavier Mendez <[hidden] at jmendeth dot com>
ToJACK <[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org>

Here's a quick fix for alsa_in and alsa_out, which currently set the 
playback latency of their ports to the target delay, but forget to 
convert this delay to JACK frames. See PR for more info.


Also convert the result of jack_frames_since_cycle_start() into ALSA 
frames, before subtracting it from the delay for the controller.

Note that this change only has effect if ALSA and JACK sample rates 
differ, otherwise the behavior stays the same.

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1466613228.27409_0.ltw:2,a <576ABDE1.5000508 at jmendeth dot com>