Re: [Jack-Devel] netJACK2 with two nodes

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DateSat, 04 Jun 2016 10:25:07 +0200
From Xavier Mendez <[hidden] at jmendeth dot com>
To[hidden] at lists dot jackaudio dot org
In-Reply-Toxan [Jack-Devel] netJACK2 with two nodes
Follow-Upxan Re: [Jack-Devel] netJACK2 with two nodes
El 29/05/16 a les 18:07, xan ha escrit:
> Hello JACK community,
> I’m planning my new audio editing setup (both hard- and software) and before investing in hardware, I’d like to ask for advice.
> Here’s what I want to do:
> – Both computers run Linux.
> – On Computer A, I can browse the web and see Youtube videos, I can listen to MP3 files with Totem and I can do DAW stuff with Ardour.
> – Computer B does nothing more than getting all the sound output from A and feed it to the speaker through it’s soundcard.
> Here’s my theoretical approach:
> – Both computers run JACK.
> – A runs PulseAudio in top of JACK.
> – A runs with the net backend using netJACK2.
> – B has the Net Manager loaded which gets the audio from A and pipes it to the soundcard.
> – Every time I boot the two computers, they are ready to work. No daemons I have to launch manually, etc. I want the configuration to be done one time for all.
> I got my understanding of JACK through the network from here: And this site would also be my guide for setting up the thing.
> But I’m not a JACK expert at all. It’s the first time I’m doing something like this. So I want to make shure I got the basics right. And, maybe you now even a better step-by-step tutorial which does exactly what I want.
> So, I appreciate any comments on this.

Looks okay to me; this is the approach I'd take as well.
Some things to note:

  - If computer A and computer B are connected by something other than 
cable, you might want to use NetJack1 (netone) instead of NetJack2. The 
latter is still pretty fragile to connections with packet loss or 
jitter, AFAIK.

  - NetJack1/2 don't propagate latency, so you'll theoretically 
experience some A/V delay when watching videos, for example. In 
practice, the difference is small enough that I've never knew it was there.

My five cents.

> Bye,
> xan
> Jack-Devel mailing list
> [hidden]
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